Ready to get the career fulfillment you crave?

This 12-week 1:1 coaching programme is designed to help you create a practical roadmap to get you there.


Go from Career Dread to Career Savvy

in 12 weeks

Our career has the power to help us thrive and be happy or it can make us miserable and even cause us harm. Yet we don’t learn the insights and skills we need to make career decisions that are right for us.

This coaching program is designed to address this gap. By the end of the 12 weeks, you’ll know what you want and have a concrete plan to achieve your vision.


Does this sound familiar?

  • You dread the week ahead and feel like you're grinding through to weekends and vacations
  • You know that you want more but nothing seems to help you move forward
  • You worry that if you change career you’d be throwing it all away or you’d have to start from scratch
  • You feel limited by your current profession and worry you’re not qualified for anything else
  • You’ve been going round in circles overthinking what you should do
  • Researching career ideas and scrolling job boards feels draining rather than being helpful
  • You feel guilty that you should just be grateful for what you have
Go from career dread to career savvy in 12 weeks

Get clarity

Move out of being stuck and get clear on your best options.

Take action

Take action confidently with a concrete roadmap.

Build your future

Don't lose another year where nothing changes. Build the future you want.

12 weeks to transform your career

12 weeks to Transform your Career

What's included:

  • 6 x 1:1 coaching sessions with me
  • Career Clarity Framework including:
    • Personal career audit
    • Boundless future method
    • Non-negotiable values
    • Risk-assessed best options
    • Personal career transition plan
  • Additional personalised exercises and guides as needed 

The first step is to book a no-obligation free consultation call with me to check we're a good fit to work together.


There's never been a better time to design your career

The good news is that we live in unprecedented times where it's more accessible than ever before to design your work the way you want it to be, whether you want a different career or to start a business. The problem is that most people who want to change career don’t have a concrete plan and never get beyond the stuck-and-frustrated stage.

With this 12-week 1:1 coaching programme we’ll create a practical plan that’s designed for you and your circumstances to get you unstuck and gain forward momentum. This is a collaborative process where I act as your sounding board, resource and planning partner.

The program includes 6 online sessions lasting 60 minutes each. Each session is customised to exactly what you need and we’ll set an action plan for you to implement between the sessions. You’ll also receive my Career Clarity Framework workbook designed to help you get clarity and take action.

You’ll get everything you need so that you focus on the right things, avoid pitfalls of taking unnecessary risks and ensure you leverage your career assets so that you don’t have to start from scratch or throw it all away.

We’ll take away the overwhelm and overthinking that can keep you in analysis-paralysis so that you’re finally taking action to build the future you want.  

Go from stuck and frustrated to excited about what’s next for you

Overcome overwhelm and fear to move forward with confidence

Rather than wishing your days away, experience the feeling that you’re living life to the full